Saturday, October 16, 2010

Another bib

So here's the latest knitting project I did. This one is for my nephew Jonas for Christmas. I get these patterns from The lady whose patterns they are is Elaine Fitzpatrick, who goes by cloverlaine on that site. Anyway, just thought I'd give credit where it was due. These are really fun to make. I like doing them when I'm watching a movie. Its kind of hard to tell what it is from the picture. I'm not sure why I can't get a great one with my camera, anyway, it is a reindeer.


Britta said...

I love doing this kind of work, where the pattern is just knitting and purling. I think it's really hard to show it in pictures but they look awesome in person!

Kari said...

Very cute! And they look like they would be really soft and comfortable for babies.