Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sometimes I start to think, I'm not sure if life can get any harder than it already is. Just when I start to think like that, guess what? Life gets harder. A week ago I found out that I am getting laid off from my job which is our only source of income at the moment and has been for three years. I've been frustrated because I don't think I'll really be able to get much of a job for a month and a half until school starts again, and then there's finding a job I can doing during the school year. I keep wondering why and how much I can take, never thinking that I can take anymore, but amazingly I do.

I know that this life is the time that we get tested and tried, but its really hard sometimes. I am glad that I have resources that I can lean on in these hard times, like the church, my family - I just like to do it by myself. Maybe that's what I'm being tested on, humility and letting others help me.

So I'm looking for work and I at least found a job helping an old lady weed her flower beds, nothing big, but I can tell that Heavenly Father is watching out for me and not letting me be stretched beyond my limits. I'm just hoping that soon I can see this as a blessing in disguise.


Kasi Lee said...

Right now we have an opening on campus where I work--it is a full-time job, but you may still be able to take classes. Let me know if you want me to look into anything for you. After your first semester of work, you and your hubby get $5 credits too.

julie said...

Oh man! Hang in there! Can you file for unemployment? I don't know how that works...but since he laid you off you should be able to.

I hope you find something soon! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. It will work out...it will.

julie said...

and actually I didn't realize I was logged into Julie's account (I am on her computer) so this is actually Laura...and the above comment.

Kara D. said...

Hang in there and keep doing what you know is right and you will be blessed. Unemployment is a great thing if you can get it. Don't be afraid to try anything, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Let me know if you and Joe need anything :)

Justin and Kristin said...

I hope you get a job fast! I know that lay-offs SUCK! The whole point of our dogs is to pay off bills, but if we didn't have that litter in Dec., we couldn't have made it through Justin's lay-off this year.

Sam and Becky said...

My heart goes out to you Savanna. It really is rough and hard to know what to expect when your future is so "unknown." Hang in there and keep your heart in the right place and you'll pull through. As Dorey said, "Just keep swimming..."