Saturday, January 21, 2012

7 months

Here is a picture of me at 27 weeks. Baby is doing good and moving around a lot! I am starting to feel a little panicky about all of the things I need to do/get before she comes. Sometimes it feels like forever before she will be here and other times it feels like it is coming way too soon! We've been thinking about names, but are keeping that under wraps until she is born. I'm still trying to make a decision on cloth or disposable diapers. Most people say I'm crazy for even thinking about cloth, but I've been doing research and I really don't think it will be as bad as everyone says. Things have gotten a lot better in the cloth diapering world! Anyway it would save us a lot of money and that makes me feel good because money is stressful. Not much else is going on with us lately. We have kind of been bums not doing too much, but that's ok with me!


Jenkins Family said...

So adorable! I love the house, the ornament, and YOU! Yes, money is stressful. And buying those diapers makes me grumpy every time. You'll have to tell me how the cloth ones work, if that's the way you go.

Kara D. said...

You look great! I didn't realize you were 7 months along. I've only got 5 weeks left! You and Joe will be great parents!