Friday, December 10, 2010

Not such a sucessful trip to Idaho Falls

I was on my way to Idaho Falls tonight and was almost to Leadore and I hit a humongous moose. It just appeared in front of me, I was going pretty slow thankfully, about 45. Anyway, it hit the windshield and I think that's about the only think that happened to the car. I am so lucky and think that Heavenly Father was watching out for me. Two guys saw the whole thing happen behind me and they stopped and helped me. They let me hang out at their place until Joe came to rescue me. He drove the car back to our house with the window hanging down on the passenger side. I'm actually really glad that Joe wasn't in the car with me because it all happened on the passenger side of the car. I thought about getting the car towed, but we didn't have towing insurance and it would have cost $210.00. No thank you. Anyway, I guess we were supposed to get a new windshield because it already had a crack in it, now we certainly have to. Here's some pics.

The passenger seat

Moose hair in my back seat! Sick!


irigoyen said...

Holy smokes! that's so crazy sis.
I know you told me there was moose hair in the seat... but holy cow there really is!!! so crazy. so glad your okay!

Justin and Kristin said...

Holy Cow, or should I say, "Holy Moose!" I'm gald that is all that happened! Hope you are okay emmotionally as well, I'd be freakin'!

Sam and Becky said...

Bah! That is soooo crazy! Thankfully you are okay and hopefully that is only damage done to the car. Sheesh! (By the way...your Christmas tree looks quite lovely).

Kari said...

Wow! So glad you are ok! My mom hit a horse when I was little and it completely totaled the car, glad to see yours turned out better.

Kara D. said...

How frightening! I am very glad that you are okay!

Stringham Family said...

So glad that you are ok and weren't hurt! What a scary experience! Also glad that Joe was able to come rescue you! I hate driving at night for those reasons, although I have never been afraid to hit a moose, just a deer! Now I am a little nervous about moose as well! Hope you get your car fixed soon!

The Ross Family said...

Wow, glad you were safe. Pretty crazy! PS loved your Christmas letter.