Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ginger came home to live with us yesterday! She is so cute and sweet, but a lot of work. We're thinking that this will be good training for us for becoming parents. I'm not sure I'm ready though...I woke up several times in the night wondering if she was ok and then this morning we heard her whining and thought she was in the living room, but she was actually right by the bed whining at us. She has had a couple of accidents but is not doing too bad. She is trying to go outside, but it has just been so cold that it is hard to get her out there. She got her first bath last night and her little claws trimmed. She takes a lot of naps which we love! We are trying to get her not to chew on us or other things in the house except her toys. It will take a while. She really is a good puppy though.

She looks like she's in trouble or something in this picture!

Don't you love our red carpet?


Justin and Kristin said...

Yay for cute puppies! Good luck with the not chewing on things! One of our dog's favorite places to sleep is on our laundry pile (dirty or clean).

Kara D. said...

She's so cute!