Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Billy Goat

My grandpa is pretty funny. We went down to Idaho Falls for the 4th and ended up coming back with my grandpa's goat to help us mow our lawn. He didn't have a name before but Joe dubbed him Rufus. Ginger is liking to chase him around (only because he's on the chain and can't get to her - She's pretty chicken). I think she better be careful or else she is going to get one of his hoofs. Uncle Gary said that grandpa was getting sick of moving Rufus around, but I think it is because Rufus butted grandpa in the backside one too many times. Rufus no longer has horns because of this bad habit :-) Hopefully Rufus proves to be a good lawn trimmer!


stevie kay said...

You own a goat! That is seriously awesome.

julie said...

You have homemade socks. And a goat. Have you read Pioneer Woman? You should jump on that boat and make millions too.

Joe and Savanna said...

I haven't read it, but it's a good thought. Maybe Joe could become pioneer man???

Justin and Kristin said...

I LOVE it!

avisiontoremember said...

Thats pretty funny. I heard about the poor thing getting dehorned :) Hopefully it doesn't get your backside!