Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our first home in Salmon

I wanted to post a few pictures of the place we are renting here in Salmon. We are really liking it even thought there are a few downsides, the biggest being flies! The flies have been so bad that we really feel we are at war with them, I thought if we don't get rid of them soon they are going to drive me crazy. Luckily we are going to have them sprayed. Also Joe found a couple of dead mice under a drawer in his music room. Disgusting! I'm so glad it wasn't me that found them. We are using wood as our main source of heat. Now that Joe got the chimney swept and we don't have a lot of smoke coming in the house I like it a lot. The place is a four bedroom (the upstairs bedrooms are pretty small). It's so nice to be in a house and have enough space! We live about 13 miles outside of town - not too far. I'll post more pictures of the inside of the house when we have all our pictures up. I've been a bit lazy in getting those up.
Detached garage! Wahoo! No more scraping windows before work!

The Continental Divide to our east

Flies in the sink a couple of hours after I got rid of all of them

Flies in the bathroom - This is the second full fly paper since last week when we got fly paper!


stevie kay said...

Gross about the flies, but I'm sure once those get taken care of it will be really nice! Your place looks so nice and I love all the deer in your yard. Congrats again on finding the job and such a nice place for you two!

Unknown said...

How did you get rid of the flies!!! We have them. A plumber and an exterminator couldn't find the problem.

Unknown said...

It is actually Claudia Carr